What does ARAG pay for in my coverage?

  • ARAG provides coverage for drafting of estate planning documents. In other words, any work the attorney does outside of this drafting process is done as a courtesy by the attorney with no compensation under this flat fee payment system. Notably, there is no coverage for in-person meetings, follow-up consultations, and any ancillary services not specifically covered by your contract with ARAG. If you have questions or concerns about this, please verify this with ARAG directly as we are not employed by ARAG and have no access to your contract with ARAG.

  • Due to the restrictions by ARAG explained above, our law firm has certain policies and procedures in place to ensure that we are able to help ARAG members maintain access to high quality legal services through our office.

  • Any in-person meetings are unlikely to be covered under your ARAG policy. Thus, a separate retainer agreement at the attorney’s then-current hourly rate will be required if you wish to arrange for any in-person meeting with any attorneys at our office.

What do I get if I use my ARAG coverage to get my estate plan, trust, and will, done through your law firm?

  • You will receive the same level of care, dedication, and responsiveness, from all of our staff members, as any other client. https://www.yuandyulaw.com/a-complete-estate-plan

  • Your documents will receive the same level of time, expertise, and review process, as any other client.

  • The main difference to note between ARAG, versus, Hourly Clients, is that in-person meetings, consultations, phone calls, and other communications are not covered at all by ARAG.

What is ARAG Legal Insurance?

  • Legal insurance, like other forms of insurance, offers you legal services at a discounted rate in exchange for you paying a monthly payment to the insurance company. ARAG Legal is one of the leading companies in this field, offering legal insurance for decades to hundreds of local, state, and national businesses, including UCLA, Wells Fargo, and the U.S. federal government. I am proud to have helped hundreds of clients through ARAG Legal.

What is an estate plan and do I need one?

  • An estate plan consists of not just a will, but also a revocable trust, power of attorney, healthcare directive, final instructions and disposition of remains, HIPAA authorizations, physician’s instructions, re-titling of deeds, and other legal documents and transactions depending on the specifics of your case. If you have a valid legal insurance plan, all of these documents and transactions may be done on your behalf, with no attorney’s fees, potentially saving you thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees today. More importantly, by doing an estate plan today, your estate can avoid probate, which can potentially save your loved ones and beneficiaries hundreds of thousands of dollars, court delays, and invasion of privacy into their affairs.

How much does ARAG legal insurance cost?

  • Your employer may offer you this legal insurance for some monthly payment (called a premium). Every person’s monthly premium may be different — for example, I had clients paying less than $10 a month to someone who was paying closer to $50 a month.

How do I start the process?

  • If you wish to get started with an estate plan with ARAG Legal, please contact ARAG directly and ask them to provide you two separate claim numbers, one for a revocable trust, and another one for a will. If you are married, be sure to mention this to the ARAG representative.

Are legal services free?

  • An estate plan, even the simplest one, will require attorney’s fees of at least $800-$1000 to get started, and close to $4000 to finish. This can be expensive to some people — the good thing is that most legal insurance plans will actually cover the fees 100%. The tradeoff in the monthly premium paid, versus what you receive in value for legal services, is clear. If you have coverage through ARAG insurance, there is little question that an estate plan will benefit you regardless of your situation. Schedule your free consultation with our licensed attorney today: https://www.yuandyulaw.com/schedule